Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Something old, something new and something blue.

I feel like I have magical powers these days - I picked up Mum's socks to add a couple of rows and found myself halfway through the foot. Same thing tonight, just wanted to finish the diamond repeats and found myself at the tip of the toe :) With any luck, the recipient will be visiting me for personal collection. I certainly hope these are enough enticement for her.

Also, got a special delivery in the mail today from London :)

There's a lot of blue in that envelope.

Ooh yummy! Super soft and fluffy and, as it turns out, not the easiest stuff to spin. I could really use an on-site spinning mentor right about now....

House Update: Finished our loan paperwork on Monday and faxed the confirmation to the seller. Mr. Seller is going to meet us at the Kisberi's on Saturday to look at the renovations (aka wall removals). He's going to bring an intent to sell so that we all have the pre-emptive paperwork we need. Notary and final paperwork is scheduled for next Friday. Here's hoping...
Just to tease, here's a picture of the kitchen attached to the master bedroom. Want to rip this baby out and make a walk-in closet, which is practically unheard of here.

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