Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wait a minute, Mr. Postman!!!

You'll never believe what showed up on my doorstep yesterday! Mom packed off all her sock leftovers for my log-cabin quilting project. The Moms has long been a quilting enabler :)

The next package came as a total shock. Alyson sent me the closest thing in this world to heaven, I mean Bearfoot. How sweet is that?

I hope you can read the note she sent. She actually threatened (um, joked) to send me an invoice for all the yarn she's splurged on since I hooked her on knitting. Which gives me an idea..........Hey, Mom! Wasn't it you who thought knitting would keep my newly non-smoking hands busy? If only.......

Thanks so much Alyson!! It totally brightened this girl's rainy week!

Speaking of which, I'm quitting again. I haven't smoked a cigarette since Monday evening. I think I'll be okay if I just stay away from the pubs.


  1. Whoooo! Good luck!

    And I'd like to take this moment to thank US Customs for not allowing any surprises. (I tried to talk the postal worker into not making me write down what was in the package, and he deadpanned, "Well, you could just write "Surprise!" on the customs slip." Thank God for funny postal workers.)

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Keep up the no smoking!!! I'm impressed.
    Great loot you scored there. Brat!! ;)
