Started off the day by introducing foreign wildlife to the tiny mountain town (Dorf) 3 kms from the house. Introducing Benjamin Bluemchen.

Instead of the elephant sounds I'm used to hearing from toddlers, Cian dons his new mask and runs around yelling "teeerrraaaa"
Took some time to check out the wool supplies....

Shopping for wool in Serlbach
The main reason for the trip was to take Cian on the "tractor" neighbor has a John Deere riding mower and offered to let the kids help.

Ciara also got a chance to drive all by herself (well, almost...)

Dave's favorite photo was of us picking strawberries for him - so he thinks ;)

He obviously wasn't in charge of taking flattering pics today :(
Not that we got enough to share...

All in all, it was a bang up day. The kids came home and coloured thank-you pictures for Paulina and Georg. Ciara did a sunset and a pic of her on the riding mower - Cian drew the mower and one of a grandma. Georg asked "my grandma or yours", Cian said "yours" and Georg said "but my grandma isn't purple" Cians answer: "nonetheless" and shrugged his shoulds.
Looks like fun and the strawberries look NUMMY! We'll have to go pick some on Friday. We have a nice field here.