First, going back to the beginning of the year, Sock Lady and I decided to do an exchange. Then I up and moved house smack in the middle of it. I won't bore you with the details of the Deutsche Post and their regulations, but this package must have had one heck of an adventure - you couldn't see the box top for the amount of customs and Post stickers. It's probably been to Botswana and back to boot!

But talk about something being worth the wait. Not only did she send me the gorgeous colourfully-plied and softer-than-a-baby's-bottom yarn that I've been coveting, but all sorts of soft and fluffy balls of different colours(even more than you can see in the picture). These companion balls are currently bickering amongst themselves over whether to become a fair-isle hat or an intarsia neck-warmer.....
Or maybe I'll just leave it lounging nearby to pet from time to time :)
As if I wasn't happy enough, on Sunday, Erica and Connor came to visit.
One of the cutest smiles I've seen in a long time! Isn't he just a darling?

We hung out at home for like a million years while Cian insisted there were no clothes in his bedroom and then we packed up and went for a walk through the Kunsthandwerkmarkt (art-hand-work-market) or Arts Fair. We found great fest food immediately (looooove Bratwurst and Broetchen) and saw loads of cool pottery. I kept talking about buying a bowl and I'm sort of kicking myself now. At least I'm prepared for next year (bring money and the wagon!) I did get a picture of a cool quilt (middle one).

After the Arts Fair, we hung out at home and did lots of chatting about living in Germany and buying yarn and knitting and stuff. We had a bit of dinner and then tucked into the fresh strawberries. Can I just say that I am growing strawberries next spring!
This is the first time I've ever met up with someone off the internet. It sort of felt like a stigma at first - like the couples your hear about that get married after meeting on the internet. Except we were just going shopping. But still, it was like internet-dating and a blind-date all rolled into one. I kept thinking "will she be a yarn snob like me?" or "what if it turns out she likes to crochet more?" or "what if she was one of those cool people in high school and she immediately recognizes me as a chorus nerd?" or "what if she's one of those moms who insist on scrubbing the entire house with clorox before her baby enters "(I'm not being dramatic, I actually KNOW moms like this).
And then I go and sleep in on Sunday - snuck up to the guest room without a clock/alarm the night before because it was also the room without the snorer) and wake up 5 minutes before the doorbell rings. Introducing yourself to someone with crazy hair, half-pajamas and no contact lenses is not the way to make a great impression, but I think she forgave me for it.
We found plenty to talk about, enough so that I totally forgot about pictures until it was time to go.

And man Oh! man was that Connor a charmer all day long. Flirt, flirt, flirt, giggle and then grinning all over the place. Geeze, if kids are this easy and cute, I need like 10 of them!
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