Fuzzy Wuzzy Wuz A Sock!
I finally untangled my 100g skein of Mountain Colors "Bearfoot" and wound it up on my newly fixed wool winder (yes, now I've learned my lesson and next time will spend the extra 5 minutes setting up the swift instead of thinking "no problem, it's all in a nice little skein, how tangled could one skein get???"). And I can't believe I avoided fixing my yarn winder for this long - we'll blame that on the move, too. Turned out I just needed to change the rubber ring at the bottom of the winding-cone so that the balls don't look so wonky. So now we're winding all sorts of stuff, like sock yarn with mohair! Super soft and super strong - I've been told that the mohair wears like iron.
I'm knitting the Uptown Boot Socks from Interweave Knits Winter 2003. I tried a similar pattern to this from Socks Socks Socks but found I couldn't get the socks over my ankle. Same thing happened with this pair; cast on enough stitches for the women's medium and couldn't pull it over my ankle :( so cast on for the bigger pair. These will fit over my ankle, but there's not a lot of room for error. I'm turning the heel now, so I'll check again after the gussett and if they are still too tight, I'm giving up on socks with cables all-together. Here's hoping!
Hurray, the yarn is untangled! I love that sock pattern, it's on my to do list.