That's my first Tiramisu ever. Isn't she just gorgeous? And I have to wait until tomorrow to dig in. This is worse than waiting for bread to cool, dammit! That's why it's in the downstairs fridge - there would be lots of finger marks in the next 24 hours if it was any closer....
There has been knitting going on over here, but it's just an inch or two more on my feather & fan shawl - ya know how you knit for days and have only advanced one inch? I'm at that stage... And some socks, but nothing too earth-shattering.
Except that I just starting knitting my first ball of this. As if I wasn't having enough trouble with my yarn budget ;)
Much more exciting are the boots I found for the mumster - perfect for mucking about in the Nova Scotia fall, eh?
So, that's me - knitting Canadian Color wool, drinking coke and Crown Royal and thinking about Mum's Canadian fall - feeling ever so much a wannabe Kanuckster. I probably spelled that wrong, too - they'll never let me in now, will they?
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