Though I have forayed into the dark-side of crochet (pictures later!) I haven't given up knitting or blogging. Just an eensy hiatus on the blogging thing as I get my Ravelry account and, um... oh in general up and running.
I'm working for a German company in Florida (rough assignment, I know) renting a house with a pool, visiting my family on the weekends and keeping my hands busy in-between the Irishman's visits (NOT what you're thinking, I'm keeping my hands busy with knitting!! sheesh)
I'll admit a big sigh of relief living within sprinting distance of a Target, Barnes and Noble and LYS - ah, retail...isn't that what life's all about. Things in Germany were super quaint and the cheese and beer were really, REALLY good. I miss some great people, but there's NO PLACE like home. I'll be back visiting this summer and hopefully scooching in a friend's wedding in Scotland.
Now, onto the good stuff....a photo of my current knitting project. I found three lovely colours of Lion Brand's Organic Cotton at A.C. Moore and started a Mason-Dixon log cabin blanket.