Sunday, June 07, 2009

A Day On the Farm

....well, not really a farm, but Erika had riding lessons last weekend and Bobby took copious amounts of pictures.

First think every visitor must deal with is Bob the Rooster. Bob gets yummy nom from a lot of visitors so he checks out every new arrival to see if someone remembered a carrot or similar. Ms. Cindy says Bob just showed up day and hasn't left.

Bobby got a lovely shot of me knitting my Kiila Knitta socks under Ms. Cindy's new gazebo.

A great shot of Erika riding
and cleaning up after her ride with Ms. Cindy

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Watch Out! She's Mobile!

After months of rehab and patient (?!) recuperation from the car accident in March that shattered her leg and knee, my sister Louise is up and walking again (and walking and walking!) and photographing her travels.

Note from herself: Foggy cool morning here with my wash hanging damply on the line and I am off to study and draw owls at Birdsacre.
b/t/w I am SO walking! I keep the crutches close at hand but ignore them most of the time. Yippee!

Grumpy the Groundhog