Thursday, August 28, 2008

Snickerdoodle Needs a New Name

Gosh, she's cute! And Snickerdoodle is a great tag for a kitten, but what's a better-fitting ladycat name?

Any ideas?

p.s. Do you like my official Kitten Sleeping Pads? I never thought I'd be so excited to knit cotton, but I've endowed everyone I can get ahold of with knit dishclothes - looooove me some Peaches & Creme!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Feline Subterfuge

So much to catch up on!

2 months ago, I completed my first crochet project. With the help of my sister Helen, I made a blanket for Jennifer's first baby. She'll need a lot of help keeping warm in Canada.
3 Weeks ago, I rescued 5 gorgeous kittens. 3 have been adopted so far (2 to my niece and nephew - my brother-in-law is delighted! LOL)
2 weeks ago, I lost my job. Luckily, Dave was flying in that night for a 10-day visit. We had lots of time to make plans for the future and spent the week of Tropical Storm Fay decompressing and playing with kittens at my sisters house. My niece found interesting ways to torture Squeak (a boy!)
The last two kittens are still with me and Squeak is making his mark on my latest sock project. The first Undulating Rib Sock (from Favorite Socks book) went well and the stretchy cotton yarn is stretchy enough to fit His Royal Large-footednessThey've batted around at my knitting before, but I was shocked to see he'd chewed through the yarn in mere seconds. Kitten teeth are great! Who needs scissors?!

So, now I'm off to plan the future.....socks, husband in Germany, new home for two gorgeous ginger kittens and any other trouble I can find along the way!